
Make the LEAP to Digital Transformation

Make the LEAP to Digital Transformation

The word “digital” has been on everyone's lips for a few years now, and we'd think that being surrounded by phones and laptops with built-in AI, we've reached a pretty high degree of country-wide digitization. The truth is that not everyone can keep up with the rapid changes of the digital age. This fact applies even to strong companies. Digital transformation is still a difficult goal to achieve for most Romanian companies.


What is NOT digital transformation?

Let's create a fairly common scenario. The manager of a company that deals with the placement of labor in the foreign market want to digitize the processes. This, after a visit to the recruiter's office: the multitude of files and crammed shelves overwhelmed him. The manager buys a few top-of-the-line laptops, converts a storage room into a small data room, installs personal management software, and establishes email as the primary means of communication with customers. Has the company achieved digital transformation? The answer is a categorical no.

Digital transformation is not an upgrade of means and working methods. A better-performing laptop or complicated software will not make the processes in a company even remotely efficient. First of all, the employees will not know how to use the new technologies. Second, for a company to achieve digital transformation, it must start with the organizational culture. It needs to rethink and re-implement the services offered and internal procedures. These must be transformed into superior services and processes.


The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated digital transformation

The pandemic has shown companies that they will not be able to continue their work in the context of working from home if they do not take digitization measures quickly. The chaos that began in March 2020 with the state of emergency and the imposition of the new measures, forced managers to pull out the long-forgotten digitalization plan and never put it into practice due to resistance to change or lack of capital or professionals. With too many goals to achieve in a short time, companies accelerated digital transformation and employees had to adapt to new technologies.

Overnight, companies were forced to move to the virtual environment, rethink their workflow and implement new policies and procedures. Not without obstacles, the mobilization of the business environment in areas such as online retail, IT&C, telecom, and banking was impressive and the employees proved to be even more productive.

However, there are also companies that did not participate in this collective effort. Companies that already had the necessary technologies and processes in place to allow remote connection to the organization's IT infrastructure watched from the sidelines and continued business as usual. In other words, they continued to be digital!

Digitization improves operations, maximizes efficiency and productivity, and lowers costs – how can you achieve these goals?

We do not consider it necessary to restate the reasons why digital transformation should become a priority for every organization as the year 2020 has already raised the ball to the net. All that's left for us is to end the match with a triumph. The biggest win for a company now is the LEAP to digital transformation.

Innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are changing the way organizations operate and deliver value to customers. But launching digital transformation is fraught with challenges. As we mentioned before, introducing a few state-of-the-art devices that only solve certain problems is not enough. Furthermore, digital transformation doesn't work like a switch: you can't expect instant results. It is a continuous process of building an interconnected system that changes the way of working in all departments of a company.

The question remains: how do you make this leap? The answer is as simple as possible: outsourcing digital transformation. Internal IT teams may not have enough time or expertise to complete a digital transformation project. An experienced partner to whom you can outsource services will facilitate the configuration of each element of the digitization plan.

To help you understand the value that an external technology partner brings to such initiatives, here are some advantages of contracting a specialized company to manage such projects:

Access to quality resources

Large-scale digital transformations require a lot of resources. IT departments that are already caught up with other major responsibilities may find transformation initiatives challenging.

By outsourcing the project, you'll minimize the burden on in-house staff and gain access at a larger scale to talented IT professionals with skills that your team may lack. Moreover, outsourcing helps to allocate resources more easily. It also positions digital transformation programs for success, without any compromise on the tasks of IT teams in the company.

Experience and expertise

Digital transformation requires expertise in a wide range of domains and technologies. Many such skills are expensive, especially if they are expensive and needed for a limited period of time.

By hiring an outsourcing company, you can use resources that will fill the technology gaps and provide the skill sets you lack for a flexible period of time. Outsourced teams come with expertise in areas that are critical to digital transformation, such as enterprise mobility or data science. As a result, you will be able to accelerate the speed of implementation.

Mitigating risks using digital transformation

Businesses trying to transform their processes for the first time will find the transformation fraught with challenges. A professional outsourcing provider who has helped several companies go through a similar transformation will make you feel much more confident. Such providers know what the future challenges are and how to overcome them. They will know what needs to be done to achieve success.

Outsourcing companies are familiar with the industry-specific issues that can arise during digital transformation. By outsourcing the process to a company that knows how to achieve your business goals, you will not only save time and money, but also reduce the risk of mistakes or unforeseen complications.

Flexibility and scalability

The advantage of partnering with a specialized supplier is the ability to control the cost of digital transformation. This is done by changing the size of your own team, depending on the business requirements.

You can hire teams with special abilities only as long as you need them. For example, by using data science outsourcing services, you don't need to build an expensive in-house data science team. You can also take advantage of a dedicated development team that functions as an extension of your internal team during the most demanding stages of your transformation program.

Improved security

You can be sure that an experienced outsourcing provider implements the best security practices to protect companies from cyber attacks and other risks. Furthermore, digitizing certain assets can become problematic if you rely on internal security. This is another area where outsourced expertise provides immense added value to organizations launching such projects.

Don't leave digital transformation for tomorrow

A LEAP to digital transformation is a must for companies that want to become market leaders. Technologies change very quickly. So fast that most internal IT resources do not have the technical capabilities or knowledge to configure the best solutions.

By outsourcing processes and tasks to experienced providers, you can take advantage of state-of-the-art technologies, access to professional services, and unique expertise that enables the formation of a solid strategy.

Achieve your digital transformation goals together with QLEAP specialists. Our team facilitates the leap to digital transformation for companies in various industries thanks to their expertise in technological innovation.