
What is artificial intelligence and what is its impact on business

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence involves a variety of functions that allow computers and machines to imitate human intelligence. This technology that was incorporated into our daily activities was first mentioned in 1959, but in recent years it has grown due to the large amount of information around us. Artificial intelligence or A.I ( I.A ) uses huge data sets that it processes in order to be able to perform activities such as: learning, solving problems, etc.. The innovation that artificial intelligence brings in business is the automation of activities that are repetitive and can be easily accomplished by it, having the capacity to increase employee productivity and corporate profitability.

The innovation that artificial intelligence brings in business is the automation of activities that are repetitive and can be easily accomplished by it, having the capacity to increase employee productivity and corporate profitability.




The impact of artificial intelligence on business

Digital solutions have become indispensable for businesses that want to remain competitive. Technology specialists have noticed in recent years that most businesses are beginning to incorporate it into their strategy: investing in artificial intelligence. Following studies, research companies noted that the benefits of artificial intelligence to companies are the following:

  • Increasing employee productivity

Recent studies by Forbes show that 60% of entrepreneurs believe that artificial intelligence will allow employees to increase their productivity by prioritizing activities.


  • Faster decision

Data is the key to opening new business opportunities. People in the management of a business who manage to make decisions as soon as possible will be able to position themselves better than competitors and, in the end, will increase the company’s profitability. The number of information and data that entrepreneurs must analyse to make decisions is huge, but those founders who have integrated artificial intelligence into the company manage to act faster, which will benefit them from the competition.

  • Real-time assistance

Communicating companies with customers is a very important element for entrepreneurs who want to build a long-term relationship with people who buy products and services from them. Due to artificial intelligence, companies that have integrated this technology manage to maintain effective communication with customers and allow them to interact with many people at the same time.


Artificial intelligence must not be ignored by entrepreneurs who want to increase the performance of their own company. Adapting to this technology can be difficult, but the benefits of integrating artificial intelligence into every business can create new development opportunities and a profitable future.